It’s very sad to know comedian Krushna Abhishek’s father Atmaprakash Sharma has passed away. Atmaprakash Sharma, who was battling with cancer, since a very long time, breathed his last today morning. Reportedly, his condition gots deteroited in the last 15-20 days. Apparently, the last rites will take place today in Mumbai.
This came as a shock as Krushna and his family recently celebrated Atmaprakash Sharma’s 7th birthday. Krushna’s sister Aarti Singh has arranged a small get together on her father’s birthday. Krushna’s wife Kashmera had also shared some pics of her father-in-law from the celebrations. One can see in the pictures, siblings Krushna and Aarti are cutting the cake with their father
Well, it’s great to know that the family has treasured wonderful memories with Krushna Abhishek’s father. These photos are worth a million words.
Our condolences to Krushna Abhishek and his family. May his father’s soul Rest In Peace