MUMBAI: As reported by, Fox Star Studios’ ‘Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola’ directed by Vishal Bhardwaj featuring Imran Khan, Anushka Sharma and Pankaj Kapur had taken a very feeble start on its first day at the box office. The trend has continued over the weekend with a low to average three day total.
The first day collections were a poor Rs 70 million (7 crore) net. Vishal Bhardwaj who has a cult like following after delivering films like ‘Maqbool’ and ‘Omkara’, had heavily promoted MKBKM with the Imran-Anushka duo making appearances on TV shows and radio channels. They even took inspiration from Aamir ‘mamu’ to stick their posters onto means of public transport in Mumbai city.
MKBKM which released on 11 January, 2013 opened to mixed reviews. Failing to show any substantial growth over Saturday and Sunday, the film stayed in the Rs 70-80 million (Rs 7-8 crore) range on each day. The three day total business of ‘Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola’ now stands close to Rs 220 million (Rs 22 crore) net. The highest response for the film comes from multiplexes in Delhi, Punjab and Rajasthan.
As one of the first big releases of 2013, this is a very disappointing start to the year.