OMG! Salman Khan’s Tweets Turned Into A Song

Salman twitter songSalman Khan has often been called as a person who speaks from his heart rather than his head. He doesn’t believe in saying wittiest lines but what he feels is right. That may not be prim and proper at times but he never cared and never will care. Salman Khan can get away with anything.

But what he will himself be amazed of, we are sure, is the way people used their wit on him. His tweets never spoke about life’s many lessons but he in real and that has been turned into an amazing video.

A band called AIB Quickie has assembled some of the best yet weird tweets of Salman Khan and turned into a song. From his strange ‘Hi’ tweets to ‘Hahahahahha….heheheheh…sorry’, everything has found a place in this song. It is pleasantly surprising at the way the singers have put all the tweets together to croon this number.

This video deserves to be shown to Salman Khan as he himself couldn’t have believed the impact it has on people watching it. In one, it is plain hilarious.

If you don’t believe us, check it out here


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