Shringar to screen Salaam-e-Ishq on D-format

MUMBAI: With the aim of providing its patrons with an enriching movie-viewing experience, Shringar Cinemas Limited, announced the introduction Digital Cinema solution at Fame Inorbit.

On 25 January 2007, Fame Malad will commence the screening of movies on D-Cinema with Nikhil Advani’s forthcoming film Salaam-e-Ishq.

At the multiplex, the company has installed Christie’s CP2000 Series projector, which offers a scratch and glitch free experience with superior quality visuals. This new digital cinema projector will cost approximately Rs 4,000,000 as opposed to an Analog projector costing Rs 1,500,000.

The cost of this will of course be borne by the consumer, who will end up paying 10 – 15 per cent premium on the ticket rates.

Announcing the launch of D-Cinema at Fame Malad, Shringar Cinemas Limited managing director Shravan Shroff said, “I am delighted that Nikhil Advani has lent us his support by giving Fame a chance to show his magnum opus Salaam-e-Ishq on this digital format. To begin with, only Fame Inorbit will have this projector but gradually we plan to install it at every multiplex in A class city.”

Advani said, “Every filmmaker would, in an ideal situation, like the audience to see his film in a format as close to the real thing as possible, in terms of colours, crisper images, crystal sound quality and high definition picture quality. Yes, this technology is expensive and so has not found ready takers in India! Which is why I am delighted to be a part of this innovative step taken by Shringar Cinemas in screening Salaam-e-Ishq in the ultimate digital format available worldwide. I am certain that those who see the movie on this format will be able to notice just how superior this is to any other projection system they have been exposed to so far. ”

To screen a movie on digital cinema platform, the film is converted into the digital format (into bits and bytes) and encrypted/encoded in a server (computer), which transmits this to a high-end projector for screening, thus getting rid of the physical reel.

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