Telugu director SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus has generated a lot of interest worldwide due to its elaborate scale. There are rumours that the film might be remade in English by a Hollywood studio. “The period war drama is said to be the most expensive film ever made in India, and will release in Tamil and Hindi at the same time. Now, an American studio has shown interest in buying the rights of the movie to make its Hollywood remake,” says an industry source.
Also Read : Baahubali Review: An Ambitious And Impressive Epic
The insider further reveals that while Rajamouli is pleased with the offer, nothing is official yet. “It was a pleasant surprise for Rajamouli when he got this offer, but the makers are yet to seal the deal. The studio and the makers are in talks, and want all specifications in place before they sign on the dotted line,” adds the source.
Directed by SS Rajamouli, the film has been produced by K. Raghavendra Rao, Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni. Arka Media Works is the Production Company and distributers of Baahubali. National Award winners V. Srinivas Mohan and Sabu Cyril have supervised the amazing visual effects and designed art of the film respectively. Baahubali stars Anushka Shetty as Devasena, Tamannaah as Avantika, Sudeep as Aslam Khan, Sathyaraj as Kattappa, Nassar as Bijjala Deva, Ramya Krishnan as Sivagami and Prabhakar as Kalakeya amongst other cast of the film. The film releases today.