Knight and Day is an action thriller directed by James Mangold. It also stars Peter Sarsgaard, Viola Davis and Paul Dano.
The film is about June Havens (Diaz) who gets mixed up with Roy Miller (Cruise), an eccentric secret agent on a life or death mission. In order to stay alive, they must escape the bad guys that are endlessly chasing them around the world. June, unsure of whether or not she can trust the stranger who has brought so much excitement in her life, must choose between what she knows and what she feels.
Knight and Day special features include : Wilder Knights and Crazier Days , Boston Days and Spanish Knights , Knight and Someday: featuring the Black Eyed Peas and Tom Cruise , Viral Video: Soccer, Kick , Hindi 5.1 Dolby Digital.
Knight and Day Blu-Ray along with DVD is priced at Rs. 1299, English and Hindi DVD at Rs. 499 , English VCD at Rs.299, Hindi VCD is priced at Rs.99.