Atharva’s Tremendous Success In The Fitness Industry Is The Perfect Life Motivation Everyone Needs


Never let the fire in you die. The young lad named Atharva is an inspiration one can look up to. The year 2016 was unfavourable for him where found himself in a very miserable state – physically as well as mentally. Back then he had no aim and purpose in life. After isolating himself for a while, he made up his mind to step his foot in the gym and little did he know his life would be changed forever.

After his friend’s suggestion, he joined a gym and going by the flow he got accustomed to the gym routine. He felt a sense of belongingness and with time he developed his love for the sport. A few hours spent in the gym gave him pure satisfaction and his relationship with the weights made him completely joyful. Initially, the chap had no clue about training, but he had a fire in him to learn the principles and concept of training. His progress made him hungry to learn more and he started spending his time on the internet and within a year there was a drastic transformation in Atharva.

Looking at his unbelievable transformation, many people raised doubts if he has used any kinds of steroids. Talking about it, he said, “I have never used any kind of anabolic or steroids. And I really don’t see any reason to use them either. I’m not a pro level competitive bodybuilder, if I was then it was understood. But just to be lean and build an aesthetic physique, you don’t need steroids.”

He is a firm believer of do what you love and chase what you love. When asked if transformation had been easy for him since he comes from a rich family, he replied, “Just like 80% of the people – I too belong from a middle-class family. Everything I have today is earned not given. I’ve faced tremendous problems and they slowed me down for a while, but I didn’t let that stop me.”

The people who mocked him then have nothing to say after witnessing his tremendous success. Who would have even imagined that the kid who dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur at the age of 21 would become at the age of 17. One who can dream it can also achieve it and we totally agree with it.

BusinessofCinema News Network

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