B4U Music and B4U Movies launched in the Caribbean

MUMBAI: B4U has launched its two channels B4U Music and B4U Movies in the Caribbean from 1 July 2009.

The channels have been launched on Caribbean cable network Columbus Communication – Trinidad.

B4U head of business and international distribution Ashok Shenoy said, "In line with our expansion strategy we are really excited to extend B4U footprint across Caribbean region by launching both the B4U channels on one of the biggest cable platform in Caribbean Islands, Columbus Communications – Trinidad. In coming months we will continue to launch in many more territories."

B4U Network CEO Sunil Rohra said, "After our launch last month in Malaysia, B4U are thrilled to launch two channels in the Caribbean. We are confident that both channels will cater to the large Bollywood fan base in the community and that they will enjoy the variety offered by B4U."

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