This comedy-drama set in Goa is written and directed by debutant Sandeep Mohan. The English language film headlines Ash Chandler as Savio, a sales agent for an underwear company with dreams of starting an edible underwear venture. Savio and his wife Annie (Shernaz Patel) have an adopted teenage daughter Ruth (Arika Silaichia). In her mid-40s, Annie applies anti-aging creams every night and is mortified that the church choir is looking for younger talent. But, as if her prayers are finally answered, Annie gets pregnant.
Ruth, already conflicted about her identity becomes more insecure. Savio, desperate to make something of his life, gets enamoured by a smooth-talking businessman and his girlfriend. Natalie (Seema Rahmani) is a yoga enthusiast and photographer who happily spends her spare time with married man Savio, persuading him to pose for her proposed yoga calendar. Annie in the meanwhile is preparing to audition once more for the choir while enjoying the attention of a younger man.
Gradually things get more and more messy for Savio, Annie and Ruth until they all realize that love and life go beyond age and cosmetics.
Love, Wrinkle Free is a sweet story with some genuine laughs. Mohan represent the city from a local’s point of view, devoid of the stereotypes cinema imposes on it. While the Parsi cast members (Patel and Ardeshir) fail to take on Goan characteristics, Ash Chandler as the headlining act is the main attraction. He brings requisite nuances to Savio. Silaichia also performs well as Ruth. The music is catchy and stands out, but the real hero is Goa.
Rating: **1/2