Taking Flight: Insta-Famous Toddler Bella Alexa “Bellatheceo” on pace for Guinness World Record

According to Airspacemag.com, there were an estimated 3.8 billion passengers aboard flights in 2018. Considering the world’s population is an estimated 7.7 billion, it’s safe to say the half the citizens of the world have yet to be afforded the luxury of traveling above the clouds.

Social media patrons worldwide are raving and ranting about a baby girl known as bellatheceo on instagram. What makes her so special? She has more flight mileage than the average adult over a 40-year life span. The irony; she’s only 13 months old! 

Born April 4th, 2018 Bella’s first flight lasted longer than most peoples’ first 3 trips above the cloud. According to FareCompare.com, the average flight last about 4 hours and 54 minutes. For Bella, her first flight lasted 11 hours and 35 minutes when she traveled from her hometown, Beverly Hills, CA to Pisa, Italy on May 23, 2018 when she was just 1 month and 5 days old. 

Since then, Bella Alexa has taken a total of 23 flights with an average flight time of 4 hours and 12 minutes. While most babies spend most of their time napping and learning nursery rhymes, Bella spends most of her time in the air. Only 381 days old, Bella has managed to rack up a staggering 103 hours and 7 minutes in the air. She had taken a total of 23 flights at 13 months old, averaging 1 flight every two weeks. 

A list of notable places she’s been include: Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Pisa, Italy, Moscow, Russia, Keflavik, Iceland, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, and Amman, Jordan. She also made routine visits to Washington D.C., New York City, Houston, Miami, and even the Bahamas. The impressive thing about Bella’s travel adventures are that she only travels with her nanny and her security. With all the sky miles this baby has generated, who knows where she’ll be flying to next? 

Follow Bella Alexa: https://instagram.com/bellatheceo

Youtube: Bella Alexa

Website:  www.bellatheceo.com

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