Reasons Why You Should Give Salman Khan’s Kick A Fair Chance

Salman-Kick-13[tps_footer]Critics haven’t been too kind to Kick. While many have called it too far fetched, many did give it glorious reviews. Guess that’s may be the reason behind not-so exciting collections of the film, in context to a Salman Khan film. But don’t dismiss him just yet. There are reasons enough to watch it at least once. So people who haven’t watched it yet, here are a few reasons why you should.

1. This is last of Salman Khan movie this year. Post Kick, Salman doesn’t have any more release this year. Now that makes it special because this is the only time you will watch him on screen this year.

2. Salman Khan isn’t only a do-gooder in the film, but also a Devil. Now that’s a very interesting combo. Isn’t it?

3. Salman Khan tries to move a lot in the dance sequences, and his hard work needs applause. So please be there to praise his efforts.

4. He is the only actor who makes the need of story redundant. You just watch him all through…who cares what is the story behind it all?

5. The film has good stunts and Salman Khan has done a good job with them.[/tps_footer]

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