OMG! Virat Kohli Gets Injured

Virat-Kohli-[tps_footer]It’s weird to know that taking selfies can also injure someone but it’s true that our hot and sweet cricketer Virat Kohli got injured while taking pics with his fans. Virat was recently spotted at a match named as Celebrity Classico 2016 which took place at the Mumbai Football Arena, Andheri Sports Complex, to generate funds for charitable initiatives in which Virat Kohli and Abhishek Bachchan are actively a part of and everything was going well. Suddenly, an over-enthusiastic fan tried to get too close to Virat in order to get a cutest and closest selfie but this fan’s phone hit his eye and Virat was left in pain. The irony of life, he attended this match to support a good cause but he got injured for a silly reason.


No wonder why celebrities, stars like to keep a safe distance even with their fans to avoid any kind of misbehavior or accidents but still a lot of stars can’t escape from their crazy fans and at times tons of securities guards also face the heat from their fans and become helpless. It’s not really good to know what has happened to Virat, yes, the fan didn’t try to hurt him purposely but we all need to keep calm and be careful around people and not just control and our senses after spotting our favorite stars in the same event. We understand your excitement especially for the young and handsome Virat Kohli but he is human too, let’s not forget that. We wish a speedy recovery for Virat!


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