Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer: Who’s Skeleton Will Sit On The Iron Throne In Westeros?

Game of Thrones Season 7

Your wait is over! The official Game of Thrones trailer released on Wednesday and since then the GOT fans can’t keep calm.

If the Game of Thrones teaser left you asking for more, the trailer will make you even more restless.

HBO has finally dropped the first full-length trailer for Game of Thrones upcoming seventh season, featuring newly crowned Cersei Lannister, mother of dragons Daenerys Targaryen, and King in the North Jon Snow front and centre. Those are the three pillars that are going head-to-head for an all-out war in Westeros, while the greatest threat AKA the White Walkers, appear to gather off-screen. And the trailer is full of spoilers!

The trailer begins in an almost melancholic fashion, with Cersei noting how King’s Landing is surrounded by “enemies to the East, enemies to the West, enemies to the South, and enemies to the North”. She’s standing on a giant map of Westeros itself, surveying their prospects, and then adds:

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“Whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it.”

Over shots of the Casterly Rock army marching, and a troubled Ser Jaime, Cersei calls themselves the “last Lannisters, the last ones who count”.

With the second half of that line, Tyrion appears on screen, walking on the edge of a cliff, as three huge dragons fly across. You know what that means.

To the sound of drums beating, the doors to Dragonstone – formerly the seat of the slain Stannis Baratheon – open for Daenerys, who declares:

“I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. And I will.”

There are shots of the Unsullied soldiers running under an arch painted with the House Lannister sigil, which suggests that the Targaryen forces will breach the walls of Casterly Rock at some point in this season.

Elsewhere, Lord Baelish is encouraging Sansa Stark to make something of her name, now that her father and her brother are gone. We also spot a harried Theon Greyjoy, Melisandre spying high over a narrow passage, a group of Wildlings running.

We have some more information for people who love details. The trailer has Yara Greyjoy and Ellara Sand making out. And all the sexual tension between Missendei  and Grey Worm seem to have found a vent, as they involved in a little love making between all the tension of the great war.

Arya Stark can be seem travelling toward sher home in the North which is now ruled by brother Jon Snow and sister Sansa Stark.

Over even more battle scenes, Ser Davos Seaworth says,

“If we don’t put aside our enmities, and band together, we will die. And then it doesn’t matter whose skeleton sits on the Iron Throne.”

The way that shot is lit and edited next to Daenerys standing in Stannis’ old war chamber, it does seem he’s now counselling the Targaryens.

The trailer ends with Jon Snow’s  voice declaring that “The Great War is here”.

With just seven episodes in the show’s penultimate run, the showrunners seem to be packing a lot in.

The trailer doesn’t give away too much, yet it increases your curiosity by many folds.

The excitement is REAL!

Game of Thrones season 7 premieres July 16 on HBO, July 17,2017 on Hotstar, and July 18,2018 on Star World Premiere.

Watch Trailer:

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