Did not know world war Z was a zombie movie lol
— Jessica Kim (@jessykimkim) June 21, 2013
I want to watch World War Z, but then again it’ll probably disturb me so bad that I’ll run around with a baseball bat in paranoia for weeks.
— Kelsey Sutherland (@thenameiskes) June 21, 2013
Want to go watch World War Z but I’m the biggest wimp alive and haven’t got anyone to go with #gutted
— Tanya▲ (@DrWatssonn) June 21, 2013
Just went and saw #WorldWarZ. Had I not read the book I might have liked it… Might…
— T. Smash (@TSmashDJ) June 21, 2013
I only wish they hadn’t used the title World War Z so that a movie actually following the book could be made. #worldwarz
— madison smith (@msmith225) June 21, 2013
Though there are a few who feel that the film stands on its own feet and that it is good, maybe even the best movie of the summer.
There’s so much to dislike in WORLD WAR Z. But there’s so much more to love. One of my favorite movies of the year.
— Laya Maheshwari (@lazygarfield) June 19, 2013
#WorldWarZ was something we already seen but in a new dimension! Brad Pitt fits into the role perfectly! It has Some breathtaking visuals ..
— ArunAshok (@arun661) June 21, 2013
Screenplay is a real winner here! It gets into the plot immediately from the opening scenes itself! #WorldWarZ
— ArunAshok (@arun661) June 21, 2013
It also looks like Brad Pitt has single-handedly played the hero in ‘World War Z’.
Brad Pitt is a legend #WorldWarZ
— Alec Nolan (@AlecEvanNolan) June 21, 2013
On the other hand, the film does have it downsides.
#WorldWarZ minus the ending, pretty damn good movie. #theendingblows
— ♡ Brianna ♡ (@BriLorenz99) June 21, 2013
Just came home from watching world war z… I’m pretty dissapointed . It was like I Am Legend.