After unveiling a book on the making of the film, the starcast of the upcoming film 'Satyagraha' addressed a press conference at the capital as a part of the film's promotions. The film will...
As ‘Satyagraha’ is set to release on Friday, the makers have taken the revolution from film to print. ‘Satyagraha: The Story Behind The Revolution’, a book on the making of the film and behind...
The team of Prakash Jha’s upcoming film ‘Satyagraha’ bonded over food at a recent event. Politics and food seem to be going hand-on-hand ahead of the film’s release. Spotted at the event was the...
‘Satyagraha’ was first supposed to hit theatres on Independence Day. Later, it was postponed to a week and now again it’s been postponed again. Is this a new strategy to adopt a win-win situation...