MUMBAI: United States Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia Timothy M Kaine will be interacting with the Film and Television Producers Guild of India members on 26 April. Kaine will be in India to offer Indian filmmakers facilities to shoot in Virginia.
Also on the agenda will be discussions between the Guild and Kaine on mutual interests and benefits such as shooting in Virginia and co-productions.
The meeting, which has been arranged by United States India Business Alliance (USIBA), will be held at the World Trade Centre in Mumbai.
The Guild has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with USIBA, a lobby of individuals working towards betterment of Indo-US ties, based on mutual co-operation and assistance. USIBA’s Sanjay Puri and Dolly Kapoor have been instrumental in helping Guild members with the infrastructural and other problems faced by them during foreign shoots. The constant endeavor of USIBA is to bridge the gap between Indian producers and American market by organizing meetings and receptions.