Bollywood’s white beauty actress Kalki Koechlin set the ramp on fire as the showstopper for fashion designer Gaurav Gupta at the India Couture Week 2015 on day 2. The ‘Margarita With A Straw’ actress walked the ramp in solidity and elegant silk gown.
Gracing the India Couture Week 2015 for designer Gaurav Gupta, the actress walked the ramp wearing elegant champagne coloured silk gown with one sided off shoulder. She carried her eye grabbing look with ease and confidently. The layered silk gown didn’t make her look less than a doll. She complimented her look with high bun hairdo and golden long ear cuffs adorning her ears.
Kalki Koechlin who stunned in her pretty off shoulder gown grabbed all the attention by her magical look while she walked the ramp. Must say the actress carried her sophisticated look in a fairy sort of look.
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The actress at the event said, “It is magical, it is detailed. The vibe which he was created is more like something which you can take a stroll rather than walk the ramp.”
Not just us but even Kalki Koechlin who has wooed the audiences by her stupendous acting in her last film ‘Margarita With A Straw’, felt herself like princess in the outfit. Praising Gaurav Gupta’s collection the actress also said, “It is a gorgeous dress. It is very different from what Gaurav usually makes. It has a fairytale elfin vibe to it. He is very good at using his imagination.”
Following the elegant and golden theme, Gaurav Gupta kept it in mind to chose actress Kalki Koechlin as a showstopper for his ramp. He said, “Kalki was in my first couture campaign last year. And in 2013 as well. She is my perfect muse. She is playful, mystical and multi-faceted. That’s what enchants me.”
Well fashion and styles are two things that go hand in hand for the Bollywood’s beautiful actresses. When asked about the most stylish actress in Bollywood, Kalki Koechlin replied saying that she feels Kangana and Neha Dhupia has a sense of style and that she feels their style great.
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