Kriti Kharbanda Takes Up Noble Initiative #pledgeabowl For Animals This Summer!

kriti kharbanda

Kriti Kharbanda, who is a huge animal lover, has come up with a noble thought helping several stray dogs and cats of her area. Doing so, the large-hearted actress has kept a small bucket of water for birds and street dogs inside her building premise, including the balcony and terrace area and has been promoting the cause explaining its advantages to her society members.

The gorgeous actress will also be associating with an NGO that works towards the cause of animals, especially during summer, thereby providing them water and shelter facilities. Due to the increasing temperature, several animals including birds, cats and dogs die due to shortage of water.

Kriti will be supporting their initiative #pledgeabowl and help creating awareness among the people.

Kriti says, ” “Summer is at its peak already and that is the reason we have begun keeping water bowls out for strays. These are heavy cement bowls, and unlike plastic ones, they stay put at one place. The animals and birds are the least affected and I hope this initiative will provide them some relief

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