Mumbai: The President and COO of the Motion Picture Association (MPA), Bob Pisano, presented the Ian McPherson Memorial Lecture at the Dendy Cinemas, Opera Quays.
The Ian McPherson Memorial Lecture serves as the keynote address of the Sydney Film Festival (SFF). Ian McPherson helped in foundation of the SFF in 1954. Luminaries such as George Miller, Dennis O’Rourke and Deepak Nayar have given previous McPherson lectures.
In his speech, Pisano said, "Our No. 1 priority is content protection. Enabling content creators to properly realize the commercial return for their creative efforts; we continue to enjoy a vibrant film and television industry."
"New technologies are developing at a tremendous rate, and these are exciting times for all of us who want to see movies in a multitude of screen environments. However, movie piracy is seriously undermining our experience. Hence, it is our responsibility to do all we can to ensure a vibrant future for our creative industries" he added.