Mumbai: Ram Gopal Varma was recently in news for his deal with Adlabs. As per this, Adlabs was to present 10 RGV films in 2 years. (Kindly refer to news dated 8 th July, 2006). But Ramu’s ventures do not end there.
T Series head honcho, Bhushan Kumar and Ram Gopal Varma have struck multiple deals. Highlighting on this, Bhushan said, “T series is co-producing Darling with Ramu. It stars Fardeen Khan, Esha Deol and Bipasha Basu. The shooting for this film started on 11 July.” This film was earlier titled Baby, but due to Sajid Khan’s similar sounding film titled, Hey Baby, RGV changed the title from Baby to Darling. Confirming the news on behalf of Ram Gopal Varma, Ravi Prakash, PRO, Factory said, “Yes, Darling is being produced by Ramuji and T Series. Shooting of the film has already started. It will be shot on different locales of Mumbai for a period of 30 days. The film will also be shot in foreign locales later.”
The other Ram Gopal Varma and T-Series deal comprises of T Series having acquired world wide audio rights along with the Indian home viewing rights for 14 RGV’s films. These include Sholay, Sarkar 2, Nishabd, Shiva, Darwaza Bandh Rakho, Go, Break Ke Baad, Shabri, Creature, Chala Tiwari Film Banane for which the director is undicided, two untitled films to be directed by Ramgopal Varma and other two untitled films to be directed by Jijy Philips and Taufeeq, respectively.
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