Steven Spielberg’s upcoming next titled ‘The Post’ is all set to make way for Indian audience tomorrow. The Post revolves around a story of dedicated journalists – a publisher, her editor and a newsroom striving to join the ranks...
This year’s biggest release 'The Post' has finally released today. 'The Post' had already garnered rave reviews in the USA where the film released a few weeks back.
The Post, set in the 1970s, talks about the tense times when The Washington Post decided to publish the Pentagon Papers, the US government's secret history...
Steven Spielberg’s ‘The Post’ has opened to phenomenal reviews in the USA where the film has been released. The Post has been loved by everyone, especially the performances of Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep has been hailed. Also, the direction of legendary Filmmaker...
Hollywood Filmmaker Steven Spielberg's next film 'The Post' will be presented by Reliance Entertainment.
The Post will have Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep....