MUMBAI: An annual report on worldwide intellectual property rights released on Tuesday by the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), identifies countries particularly lacking in adequate and effective IP rights and enforcement.
It also outlines the US government’s road map for addressing intellectual property concerns in the coming year. The report identifies those countries that fail to adequately and effectively protect IPR and that deny fair and equitable market access for persons that rely on IPR protection, pursuant to the Trade Act of 1974. Special 301 also provides for the imposition of trade sanctions and the removal of trade preferences where countries do not remedy such deficiencies.
“Today’s report indicates the scope of global piracy and serves as a sobering reminder of the challenges ahead. The strength and competitiveness of our economy is powered by our ideas and creativity. It is our intellectual property that fuels this economy’s growth and it is imperative that this economic driver is protected from theft both at home and abroad,” says Motion Picture Association of America Chairman and CEO Dan Glickman.
“MPAA remains encouraged by the Administration’s recognition of the serious problems that result from the rampant theft of intellectual property and looks forward to continued cooperation with the US government to raise awareness of the contribution of intellectual property to global competitiveness and to augment IP enforcement efforts around the world,” he adds, as a response to the report.