[tps_footer] Irrfan Khan’s upcoming film ‘Madaari’ is a thought provoking one. The movie is already appreciated by the tinsel town celebs. Directed by Nishikant Kamat the film revolves around the issues of governance...
Karan Johar never used to share his lunchbox in school. Worried of having oil stains in his book, the director preferred eating his lunch all alone. Ahead of the release of ‘The Lunchbox’, Karan...
Ritesh Batra’s ‘The Lunchbox’ made have made headlines and got an ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. But it now has another feather in its cap as it heads to the prestigious Toronto International...
Nikhil Advani’s latest directorial, ‘D-Day’, co-produced by DAR Motion Pictures and Emmay Entertainment, has taken off to a slow start at the box office.
The first look digital poster of Nikhil Advani’s upcoming film ‘D-Day’, which is allegedly based on the life of dreaded gangster Dawood Ibrahim, has taken Bollywood by storm.