The rivalry of comedians Kapil Sharma and Krushna Abhishek’s continues dates back from the time of Comedy Circus when Kapil defeated Krushna in the finale...
Television serial Sasural Simar Ka will soon see a new face. Yes, sadly Dipika Kakar, the original Simar has quit the show and the makers have found ...
The movie Lion has carved its way to the hearts of millions across the globe. The film is roaring high decibels in every continent and getting rave reviews...
For all die-hard Bigg Boss fans, here’s good news that will leave you to jump with joy. All Bigg Boss fans who always wanted to experience their stay inside...
The trailer of Anushka Sharma’s upcoming film Phillauri got us intrigued and excited. The first song of the film was a soulful Sufi number and this second...
Birthday boy Karan Singh Grover received back to back surprises from his wife Bipasha Basu and other close friends. Bipasha threw a surprise pre-birthday bash...
KRK is always known for making absurd comments on the celebrities and having issues with them. Earlier with Shah Rukh Khan, Lisa Haydon, Sonakshi Sinha...